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The Stop TB Partnership has launched the ‘Key Asks from TB Stakeholders for the UN High-Level Meeting on TB’ ahead of the UN Multi-stakeholder Hearing on TB scheduled for 8th May. The Key Asks have been developed through extensive engagement with TB survivors, people affected by TB, communities and civil society, and other TB stakeholders, including UN agencies, high-burden TB countries, donors, the private sector, and through online consultations.

The headline of the six Key Asks are:

  1. Reach all people affected by tuberculosis (TB) with prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care by implementing evidence-based and quality interventions and tools as per the latest international guidelines
  2. Ensure all national TB responses are equitable, inclusive, gender-sensitive, rights-based and people-centered
  3. Accelerate the research, development, roll-out, and access to new TB vaccines, diagnostics, drugs, and other essential new tools, including digital health technologies geared to the needs of the most neglected, key and vulnerable populations
  4. Invest the funds necessary to End TB
  5. Prioritize TB across systems for health: Universal Health Coverage (UHC), Primary Health Care (PHC), Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR) and AMR
  6. Ensure decisive and accountable global, regional and national leadership, including regular UN reporting and Review


These Key Asks outline the top priorities the TB community is requesting member states to include in the Political Declaration which is expected to be endorsed by Heads of State during the UNGA in September. The first draft of the Political Declaration, known as the ‘Zero Draft’, is expected to be shared by the HLM co-facilitators in May, after the Multi-stakeholder Hearing, in order to take into consideration the discussions and outcomes of the Hearing.

The Zero Draft will be the basis for member states negotiations conducted in New York by Permanent Missions to the UN towards agreeing on a final declaration. The Stop TB Partnership is calling on all partners to share the key asks with their political leaders and to advocate for an ambitious Political Declaration that includes quantitative and measurable time-bound target